Monday, July 23, 2012

Our adventure begins... ?

Ok, I realize this is the first adventure post, and that it's starting at the end of an adventure, but I am NOT to blame.  George Luca$ is.  For it was he who taught me--at a very young age-- to count funny and begin things in the middle.  Of course he also taught me that absolute power corrupts absolutely, which is the only reason I can imagine for the offal (yes, offal not awful) films known as Episodes 1-3 and Indiana Jones 4, but that's another blog entirely.

Our adventure...  or it's conclusion, to be fair is the subject of this blog.  Before we delve into it, a few things should be made clear, namely the players and their respective characters:

SAM is an experienced gamer who plays a cleric named, Kel.  Kel's a good cleric who's always ready to lend a healing hand, though sometimes he opts to summon Archons and Angels and throw the game into absolute chaos for his less-than-good-allies...

FRAN is Sam's girlfriend irl("in real life") and a relative new comer to the world of role playing.  Fran is catching on to the game nicely and her character, Chrysanth, is a fighter/rogue.  Chrysanth tends toward neutral good, and has a wonderful throwing axe that returns to her hand every round.  Unfortunately, the Dice Gods hate Fran and her character as it seems she's been banished to the realm of Rolling Eternal Single Digits.

BETH is an experienced gamer who plays a ranger named, Kit.  Kit is a dead shot with her bow, chaotic neutral, and is covered in warts.  She's also a sociopath.  Which is fun to watch.

ERIC is our last player of the group.  He's an experienced gamer who plays a cursed wizard named Azazel.  A wizard of the Red Robes (for those Dragonlance fans out there) so to speak, Azazel's true neutral, but carries a terrible secret.  In his search for power, he became possessed by a terrible and powerful demon named Raysiel.  Raysiel is a 12 foot tall, winged monstrosity that is always trying to break free (think the Hulk) of the curse that bound him to Azazel.  Azazel and Raysiel know the only way to break their curse is to defeat Orcus, the Prince of the Undead, so they share an unholy truce so that they may both be free of each other one day...

Now, to catch you up on what happened in the beginning of the campaign (We converted the 4th edition D&D adventure, Demon Queen's Enclave, to 3.5 rules as we all know 4th edition sucks).  The group went into the Underdark to explore a new drow city, Phaervorul, that was rumored to be a free trade city with the surface world.  What they found was a city in chaos.  Demons and Undead were sacking the city seemingly intent on killing all the drow there.  Our party of brave adventurers met the ruler of Phaervorul, the evil drow priestess, Matriarch Urlvrain, and after proving themselves to her, made a deal to travel deep into the realm of Shadowfell to assault the evil city of Deadhold, and defeat Orcus' rising exarch, a drow vampire lord named Zirithian thus stopping Orcus' Undead Horde from wreaking havoc al across the world.  You know, like you do.

Our party did indeed defeat the drow vampire lord Zirithian, and in doing so, claimed his sentient evil sword, Nightbringer.  Nightbringer has its own agenda, but for the time being, allowed Kel to wield him, as they both want to destroy Orcus, Prince of the Undead.  Besides, being wielded by a goody-two-shoes cleric is better than rotting in Deadhold, and Nightbringer is certain he can break the cleric's will if and when he chooses.

So our adventurers trekked back to Phaervorul to get their reward from the drow priestess, Matriarch Urlvrain...

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